
Two advertises looking to fill positions for Christian Jobs


Standard: $75

  • Job posted to the Christian Careers job board
  • 30 day listing
  • Analytics of your job postings performance
  • Ability to edit and update your job

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Featured: $225

  • Job posted to the Christian Careers job board
  • 30 day listing
  • Analytics of your job postings performance
  • Ability to edit and update your job
  • Job is highlighted and featured at the top of the Christian Careers job board for additional visibility. 

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Not happy with the number of views or clicks your job posting received? No problem, we'll refund you with no questions asked.

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Please feel free to get in contact with us no matter what that reason may be. 

Fill your position, fast.

Standard job listing

Standard: $75

  • Job posted to the Christian Careers job board
  • 30 day listing
  • Analytics of your job postings performance
  • Ability to edit and update your job

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Featured job listing

Featured: $225

  • Job posted to the Christian Careers job board
  • 30 day listing
  • Analytics of your job postings performance
  • Ability to edit and update your job
  • Job is highlighted and featured at the top of the Christian Careers job board for additional visibility. 

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Three individuals gather around a computer, symbolizing collaboration and teamwork in the search for Christian employment opportunities.

We offer a 100% money-back guarantee.

Not happy with the number of views or clicks your job posting received? No problem, we'll refund you with no questions asked.

Got questions?

Please feel free to get in contact with us no matter what that reason may be.

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